User's Manual

302 Troubleshooting and Recovery
Enable traps alerting by typing:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsEnable 1 -i
is a value 1–4. The index number is used by the CMC to
distinguish up to four configurable IP destinations for traps alerts.
Specify a destination IP address to receive the traps alert by typing:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o
cfgTrapsAlertDestIPAddr <IP address> -i <index>
<IP address>
is a valid IP address, and
is the index
value you specified in step 4.
Specify the community name by typing:
racadm config -g cfgTraps -o cfgTrapsCommunityName
<community name> -i <index>
Redundancy Lost 0x80
Power Supply Warning 0x800
Power Supply Failure 0x1000
Power Supply Absent 0x2000
Hardware Log Failure 0x4000
Hardware Log Warning 0x8000
Server Absent 0x10000
Server Failure 0x20000
KVM Absent 0x40000
KVM Failure 0x80000
IOM Absent 0x100000
IOM Failure 0x200000
Firmware Version Mismatch 0x00400000
Chassis Power Threshold Error 0x01000000
Table 11-2. Event Traps Filter Masks (continued)
Event Filter Mask Value