CLI Guide

Debug Command Administrator 0x0000100
Fabric A Administrator 0x0000200
Fabric B Administrator 0x0000400
Fabric C Administrator 0x0000800
Table 136. Examples
User Privilege(s) Privilege Bit Mask
The user is not allowed to access CMC. 0x00000000
The user may only log in to CMC and view CMC and server conguration
The user may log in to CMC and change conguration. 0x00000001 + 0x00000002 = 0x00000003
The user may log in, access Virtual Media, and Virtual Console. 0x00000001 + 0x00000040 + 0x00000080 = 0x000000C1
cfgUserAdminUserName - Read or Write
Table 137. Details of cfgUserAdminUserName
Description The name of the user for this index. The user index is created by writing a string into this name eld if
the index is empty. Writing a string of double quotation marks ("") deletes the user at that index. You
cannot change the name. You must delete and then recreate the name. The string cannot contain /
(forward slash), \ (backward slash), . (period), @ (at symbol), “ (quotation marks), (semicolon), or
' (backward quote)
NOTE: This property value must be unique among user names.
Legal Values A string of up to 16 ASCII characters.
root (User 2)
<blank> (All others)
cfgUserAdminPassword - Write only
Table 138. Details of cfgUserAdminPassword
Description The password for this user. User passwords are encrypted and cannot be seen or displayed after the
property is written.
Legal Values A string of up to 20 ASCII characters.
Default ********
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 105