CLI Guide

cfgEmailAlertAddress - Read or Write
Table 142. Details of cfgEmailAlertAddress
Description Species the destination email address for email alerts, for example,
Legal Values E-mail address format, with a maximum length of 64 ASCII characters.
Default <blank>
Table 143. Details of cfgEmailAlertEmailName
Description Species name or other identier associated with the destination e-mail address. The e-mail name
can refer to an individual, group, location, department, and so on.
Legal Values A string of up to 32 characters
Default <blank>
racadm getconfig -g cfgEmailAlert -i 2
# cfgEmailAlertIndex=1
cfgEmailAlertName=Kevin Fulton
This group contains parameters to congure the number of sessions that can connect to CMC or iDRAC. One instance of the group is
allowed. Displays current settings for and congures idle timeout properties for Web server, Telnet, SSH, and RACADM sessions. Changes
to idle timeout settings take eect at the next login. To disable idle timeout for a connection, set this property to 0.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgSessionManagement group.
cfgSsnMgtRacadmTimeout (Read/Write)
Table 144. Details of cfgSsnMgtRacadmTimeout
Description Denes the idle timeout in seconds for the Remote RACADM interface. If a remote RACADM session
remains inactive for more than the specied sessions, the session closes.
Legal Values 0, 10 –1920
Default iDRAC - 60
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 107