CLI Guide

CMC - 30
racadm getconfig -g cfgSessionManagement cfgSsnMgtWebserverTimeout=0
cfgSsnMgtWebserverTimeout (Read/Write)
Table 145. Details of cfgSsnMgtWebserverTimeout
Description Denes the Web server time-out. This property sets the amount of time (in seconds) that a
connection is allowed to remain idle (there is no user input). The session is cancelled if the time limit
set by this property is reached. Changes to this setting do not aect the current session. You must
log out and log in again to make the new settings eective.
An expired Web server session logs out the current session.
Legal Values 60 – 10800
Default 1800
This group contains conguration parameters for CMC services. One instance of the group is allowed.
Use this object with the getconfig or config subcommands.
To use this object property, you must have the Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgSerial group.
cfgSerialBaudRate (Read/Write)
Table 146. Details of cfgSerialBaudRate
Description Sets the baud rate on the serial port.
Legal Values
2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600,115200
108 CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions