CLI Guide

cfgADDomainController2 (Read/Write)
Table 223. Details of cfgADDomainController2
Description Species the LDAP server from which you want the CMC to obtain user names.
Legal Values A string of up to 254 ASCII characters representing a valid IP address or a fully qualied domain name
cfgADDomainController3 (Read/Write)
Table 224. Details of cfgADDomainController3
Description Species the LDAP server from which you want the CMC to obtain user names.
Legal Values A string of up to 254 ASCII characters representing a valid IP address or a fully qualied domain name
cfgADGlobalCatalog1 (Read/Write)
Table 225. Details of cfgADGlobalCatalog1
Description Species the Global Catalog server from which you want the CMC to obtain user names.
Legal Values A string of up to 254 ASCII characters representing a valid IP address or a fully qualied domain name
cfgADGlobalCatalog2 (Read/Write)
Table 226. Details of cfgADGlobalCatalog2
Description Species the Global Catalog server from which you want the CMC to obtain user names.
Legal Values A string of up to 254 ASCII characters representing a valid IP address or a fully qualied domain name
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 131