CLI Guide

cfgADDcSRVLookupEnable (Read/Write)
Table 231. Details of cfgADDcSRVLookupEnable
Description Congures CMC to use precongured domain controllers or to use DNS to nd the domain controller.
If using precongured domain controllers, then the domain controllers to use are specied under
cfgAdDomainController1, cfgAdDomainController2, and cfgAdDomainController3. CMC does not
fail over to the specied domain controllers when DNS lookup fails or none of the servers returned by
the DNS lookup works.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)—use DNS to look up domain controllers
0 (FALSE)—use precongured domain controllers
Default 0
Table 232. Details of cfgADSpecifyServerEnable
Description Allows you to enable or disable and specify an LDAP server or a global catalog server. Use
cfgADDomainController or cfgADGlobalCatalog to specify the IP address.
Legal Values
1 (enabled)
0 (disabled)
Default 0
This group allows you to congure settings related to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
Use this object with the cong or getcong subcommands.
To use this object property for CMC, you must have the Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgLDAP group.
cfgLdapEnable (Read/Write)
Table 233. Details of cfgLdapEnable
Description Turns LDAP service on or o.
If this property is disabled, local CMC authentication is used for user logins.
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 133