CLI Guide

Table 312. Details of cfgCurrentIPv6Address
Description Displays the current IPv6 addresses. This property displays up to 15 global IPv6 addresses, including
stateful and stateless addresses.
Table 313. Details of cfgCurrentIPv6Gateway
Description Displays the current IPv6 gateway.
Table 314. Details of cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServersFromDHCP6
Description Indicates whether the DNS server addresses are assigned from the DHCPv6 server.
Table 315. Details of cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServer1
Description Displays the IPv6 address for DNS server 1.
Table 316. Details of cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServer2
Description Displays the IPv6 address for DNS server 2.
This group enables users to congure the advanced network interface parameters for the RAC NIC or CMC. When congured, the updated
settings may take up to a minute to become active.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgNetTuning group.
: Use extra precaution when modifying properties in this group. Inappropriate modication of the properties in this
group can result in your RAC NIC become inoperable.
158 CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions