CLI Guide

Clear sel log on server 2a:
racadm clrsel -m server-2a
Table 12. Details of cong
Description Allows you to set CMC conguration parameters individually or to batch them as part of a
conguration le. If the data is dierent, that CMC object is written with the new value.
racadm cong [-c|-p] -f <lename>
racadm cong -g <group name> -o <object name> [-i <index>] <value>
NOTE: The conguration le retrieved using remote racadm are not interoperable. For the
cong -f <
le name
> command, use the conguration le retrieved from the same
NOTE: The -f and -p options are not supported for the serial/Telnet/SSH console.
-f — The -f < lename > option causes cong to read the contents of the le specied by <
lename > and congure CMC.
NOTE: When the –f option is specied and conguration of an attribute fails, then
conguration of other attributes in that group is skipped.
-p — This option must be used with the -f option. It directs cong to delete the password entries
contained in the cong le -f < lename > after the conguration is complete.
To apply the password, you must remove the preceding Read-Only marker '#' in the cong le
before running the cong -f command.
-g — The -g < groupName >, or group option, must be used with the -o option. The <
groupName > species the group containing the object that is to be set.
-o — The -o < objectName > < Value >, or object option, must be used with the -g option. This
option species the object name that is written with the string < value >.
-i — The -i < index >, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be used to
specify a unique group. The < index > is a decimal integer from 1 through n, where n can vary from
1 to maximum number of indexes a particular group supports. If -i < index > is not specied, a
value of 1 is assumed for groups, which are tables that have multiple entries. The index is specied
by the index value, not a named value.
-c — The -c or check option, is used with the cong subcommand and allows the user to parse
the .cfg le to locate syntax errors. If issues are found, the line number and a short description
about the issue is displayed. This option is a check-only.
Output This subcommand generates error output for any of the following reasons:
Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index, or other invalid database members.
RACADM CLI failures.
This subcommand returns an indication of the number of conguration objects that were written out
of the total objects in the .cfg le.
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicIpAddress
Sets the cfgNicIpAddress conguration parameter (object) to the value This IP
address object is contained in the cfgLanNetworking group.
racadm config -f myrac.cfg.
Congures or recongures CMC. The myrac.cfg le may be created from the getcong
command. This le may also be edited manually as long as the parsing rules are followed.
24 RACADM Subcommand Details