CLI Guide

Record: 1
Date/Time: Dec 8 08:21:30
Source: ssnmgrd[175]
Description: root from session timeout
sid 0be0aef4
Table 57. Details of getractime
Description Displays the current CMC time.
racadm getractime [-d]
racadm getractime [-d] [-z] [-n]
-d — Displays the time in the format, yyyymmddhhmmss.mmmmmms.
-z — Displays timezone. This option is specic to CMC only.
-n — Displays NTP peer information. This option is specic to CMC only.
NOTE: If no options are provided, the getractime subcommand displays the time in a
common readable format.
Output The current CMC time is displayed.
racadm getractime
Thu Dec 8 20:15:26 2005
racadm getractime -d
Table 58. Details of getsel
Description Displays all sensor event log entries in the iDRAC.
racadm getsel -i [-A]
racadm getsel [-s <start>] [-c <count>] [-A] [-o] [-E] [-R] [--more]
If no arguments are specied, the entire log is displayed.
-A Species output with no display headers or labels.
-c — Provides the number of records to be displayed.
-o — Displays each entry in the SEL in a single line.
-s Species the starting record used for the display.
-E — Displays RAW SEL data with the other data for each entry.
-R — Displays only RAW SEL data for each entry.
-i — Displays the number of entries in the SEL.
--more — Displays one screen at a time and prompts the user to continue (similar to the UNIX
more command.)
52 RACADM Subcommand Details