CLI Guide

racadm license view -c <storage sled FQDD>
Import the license:
racadm license import [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f <license
file name>] [-l <NFS or CIFS share>] [-c <FQDD>]
Export the license using the following options:
racadm license export [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f
<license file name>] [-1 <NFS/CIFS share>] [—t <transaction ID>]
racadm license export [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f
<license file name>] [-1 <NFS/CIFS share>] [—e <entitlement ID>]
racadm license export [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f
<license file name>] [-1 <NFS/CIFS share>] [—c <FQDD>]
racadm license export [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f
<license file name>] [-1 <NFS/CIFS share>] [—c <FQDD>] [—e
<entitlement ID>] [—t <transaction ID>]
Delete the license using the following options:
racadm license delete [-t <transaction ID>]
racadm license delete [-e <entitlement ID>]
racadm license delete [-c <component]
Replace the license:
racadm license replace [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-f
<license file name>] [-1 <NFS/CIFS share>] [—t <transaction ID>]
NOTE: License operations the <licensele> name should be fewer than 56
NOTE: Only a user with administrator-level privileges can use the import, export, delete,
and replace commands. An Administrator privilege is not necessary to use the view
view — View license information.
import — Installs a new license.
export — Exports a license le.
delete — Deletes a license from the system.
replace — Replaces an older license with a given license le.
Use the following options along with the commands:
-cSpecies the FQDD of the component or device, on which the license is present.
-l — Network share location to import or export the license le.
-f — File name of the license le.
NOTE: During export, the license le is named <servicetag>_<entitlement
-u— User name of the remote share.
-p — Password for the remote share.
-eSpecies the entitlement ID of the license le.
-tSpecies the transaction ID of the license le.
View licenses:
View all the license information in the chassis.
racadm license view
Status = OK
RACADM Subcommand Details 65