CLI Guide

cfgDNSRacName - Read or Write
Table 122. Details of cfgDNSRacName
Description Displays the CMC name, which is rac-service tag by default. This parameter is only valid if
cfgDNSRegisterRac is set to 1 (TRUE).
Legal Values A string of up to 63 ASCII characters. At least one character must be alphabetic.
NOTE: Some DNS servers only register names of 31 characters or fewer.
Default cmc-<service tag>
cfgDNSRegisterRac - Read or Write
Table 123. Details of cfgDNSRegisterRac
Description Registers the CMC name on the DNS server. When you set this parameter, the CMC registers its
DNS name for its IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with the DNS server.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
Default 0
NOTE: For IPv6, only the DHCPv6 address or static address is registered.
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 99