CLI Guide

Table 282. Details of cfgChassisInRedundancyReserve (continued)
1 (enabled)
Default None
cfgChassisPowerClear (Write Only)
Table 283. Details of cfgChassisPowerClear
Description Resets cfgChassisMinPower and cfgChassisMaxPowerCapacity, when set to 1.
Legal Values None
Default None
cfgChassisPowerClearTimestamp (Read Only)
Table 284. Details of cfgChassisPowerClearTimestamp
Description Time stamp when cfgChassisMinPower and cfgChassisMaxPowerCapacity were reset.
Legal Values None
Default None
cfgChassisPowerButtonEnable (Read/Write)
Table 285. Details of cfgChassisPowerButtonEnable
Description Indicates if the chassis power button is enabled or disabled.
Legal Values 0 (disabled)
1 (enabled)
Default None
cfgChassisPowerCapBTU (Read/Write)
Table 286. Details of cfgChassisPowerCapBTU
Description Indicates the maximum power consumption limit (in BTU/hr) for the entire chassis. The command
generates an error if server throttling is necessary to achieve the power goal based on the value for
this setting.
Legal Values 9264 - 56931 BTU/hr
Default 43221 BTU/hr
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 147