CLI Guide

Table 348. Details of cfgUseCMCDNSSettings attribute (continued)
Table 349. Details of cfgServerDNSIMCNameEnable attribute
Description Enables or disables configuration of the iDRAC DNS name prefix for blade servers that you want to insert in the
NOTE: You can set the cfgServerDNSIMCNamePrefix only if the cfgServerDNSIMCNameEnable
is set to 1. Else, an error message is displayed.
Legal Values
Default 0
Table 350. Details of cfgServerDNSIMCNamePrefix attribute
Description Enables you to specify the iDRAC DNS name prefix for blade servers that you want to insert in the chassis.
NOTE: You can set the cfgServerDNSIMCNamePrefix only if the cfgServerDNSIMCNameEnable
is set to 1. Else, an error message is displayed.
NOTE: The maximum length of the cfgServerDNSIMCNamePrefix is 59 characters. The hyphen
(–) is the only special character allowed for setting the prefix.
Legal Values N/A
Default N/A
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 163