CLI Guide

1024-bit RSA, converted from OpenSSH by xx_xx@xx.xx
Key ID 2:
Key ID 3:
Key ID 4:
Table 98. Details of sslkeyupload
Description Uploads SSL key from the client to CMC.
To use this subcommand, you must have Server Administrator permission.
racadm sslkeyupload -t <type> -f <filename>
Input -t — Specifies the key to upload.
1 = SSL key used to generate the server certificate
-f — Specifies the file name of the SSL key to be uploaded.
Output Returns 0 when successful and a nonzero number when unsuccessful.
racadm sslkeyupload -t 1 -f c:\sslkey.txt
Table 99. Details of sslcertdownload
Description Downloads a custom SSL server or CA certificate for Directory
Service from CMC.
This subcommand is supported only on remote interfaces.
racadm sslcertdownload -f <filename> -t
Input -f— Specifies the target filename on local filesystem to
download to
-t—<type>—Specifies the type of the certificate. The
available options are:
1— Server
2—Active Directory or LDAP
Example Download server certificate
racadm -r -u root -p calvin
sslcertdownload -t 1 -f cert.txt
RACADM Subcommand Details 93