Users Guide

Table 46. Fan Status
Item Description
Name/Location Example: Fan1, Fan2, and so on.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are listed where critical ones are rst listed,
and then the warning-related.
RPM Current fan speed in RPM.
Table 47. PSU Status
Item Description
Name/Location Example: PSU1, PSU2, and so on.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are listed where critical ones are rst listed,
and then the warning-related.
Status Oine, Online, or Standby — Indicates the power status of a PSU.
Maximum Wattage Maximum Wattage that PSU can supply to the system.
Table 48. IOM Status
Item Description
Name/Location IOM A
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are listed where critical ones are rst listed,
and then the warning-related.
Status O or On — Indicates whether the IOM is functioning.
Model Model of the IOM.
Fabric Type Networking type.
IP address Only shows if IOM is turned on. This value is zero for a pass through type IOM.
Service Tag The factory-assigned service tag.
Table 49. KVM Mapping Status
Item Description
Server <number> Displays a list of servers to which the KVM can be mapped.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are listed where critical ones are rst listed,
and then the warning-related.
Mapped Displays a list of servers mapped to a KVM, if any.
Slot <number> Indicates the server slot to which the KVM is mapped to. Possible values are SLOT-<01 to 04>.
Unmapped Displayed if the KVM is not mapped to any of the servers.
Table 50. DVD Mapping Status
Item Description
Server <number> Displays a list of servers to which the DVD can be mapped.
Error Messages If there are no errors, No Errors is displayed. Else, error messages are listed where critical ones are rst listed,
and then the warning-related.
Mapped Displays a list of servers mapped to a DVD, if any.