Users Guide

NOTE: The generated conguration le is myle.cfg. You can rename the le. The .cfg le does not contain user
passwords. When the .cfg le is uploaded to the new CMC, you must re-add all passwords.
2. At the command prompt, type:
racadm getconfig -f myfile.cfg
NOTE: Redirecting the CMC conguration to a le using getconfig -f is only supported with the remote
RACADM interface.
3. Modify the conguration le using a plain-text editor (optional). Any special formatting characters in the conguration le may
corrupt the RACADM database.
4. Use the newly created conguration le to modify a target CMC. At the command prompt, type:
racadm config -f myfile.cfg
5. Reset the target CMC that was congured. At the command prompt, type:
racadm reset
The getconfig -f myfile.cfg subcommand requests the CMC conguration for the active CMC and generates the
myle.cfg le. If required, you can rename the le or save it to a dierent location.
You can run the getconfig command to perform the following actions:
Display all conguration properties in a group (specied by group name and index).
Display all conguration properties for a user by user name.
The config subcommand loads the information into other CMCs. The Server Administrator uses the config command to
synchronize the user and password database.
Creating a CMC Conguration File
The CMC conguration le, <lename>.cfg, is used with the racadm config -f <filename>.cfg command to create a
simple text le. The command allows you to build a conguration le (similar to a
.ini le) and congure the CMC from this le.
You may use any le name, and the le does not require a .cfg extension (although it is referred to by that designation in this
NOTE: For more information about the getconfig subcommand, see the
Chassis Management Controller for
PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
RACADM parses the .cfg le when it is rst loaded on to the CMC to verify that a valid group and object names are present, and
that simple syntax rules are being followed. Errors are agged with the line number that detected the error, and a message explains
the problem. The entire le is parsed for correctness, and all errors display. If an error is found in the .cfg le, write commands are not
transmitted to the CMC. You must correct all errors before any conguration can take place.
To check for errors before you create the conguration le, use the -c option with the config subcommand. With the -c option,
config only veries syntax and does not write to the CMC.
Follow these guidelines when you create a .cfg le:
If the parser encounters an indexed group, it is the value of the anchored object that dierentiates the various indexes.
The parser reads in all of the indexes from the CMC for that group. Any objects within that group are modications when the
CMC is congured. If a modied object represents a new index, the index is created on the CMC during conguration.
You cannot specify a desired index in a .cfg le.
Indexes may be created and deleted. Over time, the group may become fragmented with used and unused indexes. If an index is
present, it is modied. If an index is not present, the rst available index is used.
This method allows exibility when adding indexed entries where you do not need to make exact index matches between all the
CMCs being managed. New users are added to the rst available index. A .cfg le that parses and runs correctly on one CMC
may not run correctly on another, if all indexes are full and you must add a new user.
Use the racresetcfg subcommand to congure both the CMCs with identical properties.
Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the CMC to original defaults, and then run the racadm config -f
<filename>.cfg command. Make sure that the .cfg le includes all desired objects, users, indexes, and other parameters. For