Users Guide

4. To use the iDRAC DNS name as slot name, select the Use iDRAC DNS Name for Slot Name option. This option replaces the
static slot names with the respective iDRAC DNS names, if it is available. If iDRAC DNS names are not available, the default or
edited slot names are displayed.
NOTE: To use the Use iDRAC DNS Name for Slot Name option, you must have the Chassis Conguration
Administrator privilege.
5. To save the settings, click Apply.
To restore the default slot name (SLOT-01 through SLOT-04) on the basis of a server's slot position) to a server, click Restore
Default Value.
Conguring iDRAC Network Settings
To use this feature, you must have an Enterprise License. You can congure the iDRAC network conguration setting of a server. You
can use the QuickDeploy settings to congure the default iDRAC network conguration settings and root password for severs that
are installed later. These default settings are the iDRAC QuickDeploy settings.
For more information about iDRAC, see the iDRAC User’s Guide at
Conguring iDRAC QuickDeploy Network Settings
Use the QuickDeploy Settings to congure the network settings for newly inserted servers.
To enable and set the iDRAC QuickDeploy settings:
1. In the left pane, click Server Overview Setup iDRAC.
2. On the Deploy iDRAC page, in the QuickDeploy Settings section, specify the settings mentioned in the following table. For
more information about the elds, see the Online Help.
Table 17. QuickDeploy Settings
Setting Description
Action When Server is Inserted Select one of the following options from the list:
No Action — The action is not performed when the server is inserted.
QuickDeploy Only — Select this option to apply iDRAC network settings
when a new server is inserted in the chassis. The specied auto-deployment
settings are used to congure the new iDRAC, which includes the root user
password if Change Root Password is selected.
Server Prole Only — Select this option to apply server prole assigned
when a new server is inserted in the chassis.
QuickDeploy and Server Prole — Select this option to rst apply the iDRAC
network settings, and then to apply the server prole assigned when a new
server is inserted in the chassis.
Set iDRAC Root Password on Server
Select the option to change iDRAC root password to match the value provided in
the iDRAC Root Password eld, when a server is inserted.
iDRAC Root Password When the Set iDRAC Root Password on Server Insertion and QuickDeploy
Enabled options are selected, this password value is assigned to a server's iDRAC
root user password when the server is inserted into a chassis. The password can
have 1 to 20 printable (including white spaces) characters.
Conrm iDRAC Root Password Allows you to retype the password provided in the Password eld.
Enable iDRAC LAN Enables or disables the iDRAC LAN channel. By default, this option is cleared.
Enable iDRAC IPv4 Enables or disables IPv4 on iDRAC. By default, this option is selected.
Enable iDRAC IPMI over LAN Enables or disables the IPMI over LAN channel for each iDRAC present in the
chassis. By default, this option is selected.