Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Server must be powered on.
You can:
View prole settings on a server or from a saved prole.
Save a prole from a server.
Apply a prole to other servers.
Import stored proles from a management station or remote le share.
Edit the prole name and description.
Export stored proles to a management station or remote le share.
Delete stored proles.
Deploy selected proles to the target devices using Quick Deploy option.
Display the log activity for recent server prole tasks.
Accessing Server Proles Page
You can add, manage, and apply server proles to one or more servers using the Server Proles page.
To access the Server Proles page using the CMC web interface, in the left pane, go to Chassis Overview > Server Overview. Click
Setup > Proles. The Server Proles page is displayed.
Adding or Saving Prole
Before copying the properties of a server, rst capture the properties to a stored prole. Create a stored prole and provide a name and
optional description for each prole. You can save a maximum of 16 Stored Proles on the CMC nonvolatile extended storage media.
: If a remote share is available, you can store a maximum of 100 proles using the CMC extended storage and remote share.
For more information about the remote share, see Conguring Network Share Using CMC Web Interface.
Removing or disabling the nonvolatile extended storage media prevents access to stored prole and disables the Server Conguration
Replication feature.
To add or save a prole:
1 Open the Server Proles page. In the Server Proles section, click Apply and Save Proles.
2 Select the server from whose settings you want to generate the prole, and then click Save Prole.
The Save Prole section is displayed.
3 Select Extended Storage or Network Share as the location to save the prole.
: The Network Share option is enabled and the details are displayed in the Stored Proles section only if the network
share is mounted and is accessible. If the Network Share is not connected, congure the Network Share for the chassis. To
congure the Network Share, click Edit in the Stored Proles section. For more information about conguring the network
share, see Conguring Network Share Using CMC Web Interface.
4 In the Prole Name and Description elds, type the prole name and description (optional), and then click Save Prole.
: When saving a Server Prole, the standard ASCII extended character set is supported. However, the following
special characters are not supported:
), “, ., *, >, <, \, /, :, |, #, ?, and ,
CMC communicates with the LC to get the available server prole settings and store them as a named prole.
A progress indicator indicates that the Save operation is in progress. After the action is complete, a message, "Operation Successful" is
Servers 111