Users Guide

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Conguring Generic LDAP Directory Service Using RACADM
To congure the LDAP directory service, use the objects in cfgLdap and cfgLdapRoleGroup RACADM groups.
There are many options to congure LDAP logins. In most of the cases, some options can be used with their default settings.
NOTE: It is highly recommended to use the racadm testfeature -f LDAP command to test the LDAP settings for rst time
setups. This feature supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
The required property changes include enabling LDAP logins, setting the server FQDN or IP, and conguring the base DN of the LDAP
$ racadm config -g cfgLDAP -o cfgLDAPEnable 1
$ racadm config -g cfgLDAP -o cfgLDAPServer
$ racadm config -g cfgLDAP -o cfgLDAPBaseDN dc=
CMC can be congured to optionally query a DNS server for SRV records. If the cfgLDAPSRVLookupEnable property is enabled, the
cfgLDAPServer property is ignored. The following query is used to search the DNS for SRV records:
ldap in the above query is the cfgLDAPSRVLookupServiceName property.
cfgLDAPSRVLookupDomainName is congured to be
For more information about the RACADM commands, see the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command
Line Reference Guide available at
User Accounts and Privileges 147