Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Follow these guidelines when you create a .cfg le:
If the parser encounters an indexed group, it is the value of the anchored object that dierentiates the various indexes.
The parser reads in all of the indexes from the CMC for that group. Any objects within that group are modications when the CMC is
congured. If a modied object represents a new index, the index is created on the CMC during conguration.
You cannot specify a desired index in a .cfg le.
Indexes may be created and deleted. Over time, the group may become fragmented with used and unused indexes. If an index is
present, it is modied. If an index is not present, the rst available index is used.
This method allows exibility when adding indexed entries where you do not need to make exact index matches between all the CMCs
being managed. New users are added to the rst available index. A .cfg le that parses and runs correctly on one CMC may not run
correctly on another, if all indexes are full and you must add a new user.
Use the racresetcfg subcommand to congure both the CMCs with identical properties.
Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the CMC to original defaults, and then run the racadm config -f
<filename>.cfg command. Make sure that the .cfg le includes all desired objects, users, indexes, and other parameters. For a
complete list of objects and groups, see the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line
Reference Guide.
CAUTION: Use the racresetcfg subcommand to reset the database and the CMC Network Interface settings to the
original default settings and remove all users and user congurations. While the root user is available, other users’ settings are
also reset to the default settings.
If you type racadm getconfig -f <filename> .cfg, the command builds a .cfg le for the current CMC conguration. This
conguration le can be used as an example and as a starting point for your unique .cfg le.
Parsing Rules
Lines that start with a hash character (#) are treated as comments.
A comment line must start in column one. A "#" character in any other column is treated as a # character.
Some modem parameters may include # characters in their strings. An escape character is not required. You may want to generate
a .cfg from a racadm getconfig -f <filename> .cfg command, and then perform a racadm config -f
<filename> .cfg
command to a dierent CMC, without adding escape characters.
For example:
# This is a comment
cfgUserAdminPageModemInitString= <Modem init # not
a comment>
All group entries must be surrounded by open- and close-brackets ([ and ]).
The starting [ character that denotes a group name must be in column one. This group name must be specied before any of the
objects in that group. Objects that do not include an associated group name generate an error. The conguration data is organized into
groups as dened in the database property chapter of the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command
Line Reference Guide. The following example displays a group name, object, and the object’s property value:
[cfgLanNetworking] -{group name}
cfgNicIpAddress= {object name}
{object value}
All parameters are specied as "object=value" pairs with no white space between the object, =, or value. White spaces that are included
after the value are ignored. A white space inside a value string remains unmodied. Any character to the right of the = (for example, a
second =, a #, [, ], and so on) is taken as-is. These characters are valid modem chat script characters.
[cfgLanNetworking] -{group name}
cfgNicIpAddress= {object value}
The .cfg parser ignores an index object entry.
Conguring CMC