CLI Guide

) (right parentheses)
& (ampersand)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
# (pound)
ASCII code 32 (space)
NOTE: The - (dash) character cannot be the first character of the string, regardless of whether the string is quoted.
There are different escaping rules for using single quotation mark and double quotation marks.
For double quoting:
The following characters must be escaped by prepending a backslash:
$ (dollar sign)
" (double quotation marks)
' (single quotation marks)
` (back quotation marks)
\ (backslash)
For example, use the following for a string that contains the special characters, $, ",',`and \.
For single quotation marks:
No character escaping is necessary.
A single quotation mark cannot be used even with a backslash escaped.
NOTE: An empty string may be specified as either "" (using double quotation marks) or '' (using single quotation mark).
Racadm help and help with subcommand
Table 4. Racadm help commands
Displays all the subcommands you can use with the RACADM command and a one-line description of
each subcommand.
? followed by <subcommand> displays the syntax for the specified command.
To use this subcommand, you must have the CMC Login User privilege.
You can also use the help and help <
> commands to obtain the same information.
racadm ?
racadm ? <subcommand>
Input NA
Output NA
Example for RACADM ?
The following output example shows only part of the actual output for the racadm ? command. Descriptions shown in this example may
vary slightly from the descriptions in your racadm session.
racadm ?
help -- list racadm subcommand description
help <subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand
? -- list racadm subcommand description
? <subcommand> -- display usage summary for a subcommand
arp -- display the networking arp table
chassisaction -- execute chassis or switch power-up/down/cycle or
KVM powercycle
clrraclog -- clear the CMC log
RACADM Subcommand Details