Users Guide

It is recommended to isolate chassis management from the data network. Due to the potential of traffic on the data network, the
management interfaces on the internal management network can be saturated by traffic intended for servers. This results in CMC and
iDRAC communication delays. These delays may cause unpredictable chassis behavior, such as CMC displaying iDRAC as offline even
when it is up and running, which in turn causes other unwanted behavior. If physically isolating the management network is impractical, the
other option is to separate CMC and iDRAC traffic to a separate VLAN. CMC and individual iDRAC network interfaces can be configured
to use a VLAN.
Configuring Initial CMC Network
NOTE: Changing your CMC Network settings may disconnect your current network connection.
You can perform the initial network configuration of CMC before or after CMC has an IP address. If you configure CMC’s initial network
settings before you have an IP address, you can use either of the following interfaces:
The LCD panel on the front of the chassis
Dell CMC serial console
If you configure initial network settings after the CMC has an IP address, you can use any of the following interfaces:
Command line interfaces (CLIs) such as a serial console, Telnet, SSH, or the Dell CMC console.
CMC web interface
LCD Panel interface
CMC supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addressing modes. The configuration settings for IPv4 and IPv6 are independent of each other.
Configuring CMC Network Using LCD Panel Interface
You can use the LCD panel interface to set up the CMC network.
You can customize the orientation of an LCD display (for rack or tower mode) by keeping the up-down buttons
pressed for two seconds. Alternately, you can also use the right-left buttons. For more information about the buttons
available on a CMC LCD panel, see LCD Navigation.
1. To start the CMC configuration:
For a chassis that has not been configured earlier, the LCD Language panel is displayed. On the LCD Language panel, navigate
to the required language using the arrow buttons. When the desired language is highlighted, select the language by pressing the
Center button. The Network Settings panel is displayed.
For a chassis that has been configured earlier, the Main Menu panel is displayed. From the Main Menu, select Settings and then
Network Settings.
2. On the Network Settings panel, select the required mode of setup:
Quick Setup (DHCP) — Select this mode to set up CMC quickly using DHCP addresses. For information on configuring CMC
using this mode see Configuring CMC Using Quick Setup (DHCP).
Advanced Setup — Select this mode to set up CMC for advanced configurations. For information on configuring CMC using this
mode see Configuring CMC Using Advanced Setup.
Configuring CMC Using Quick Setup (DHCP)
To set up a network using the LCD panel interface:
1. From the Network Settings panel, select Quick Setup (DHCP). The panel displays the following message.
About to get DHCP addresses. Ensure CMC network cable is connected.
2. Press the center button to highlight the accept button. Press the center button again to accept the settings or navigate to the back
arrow and the press the center button to go back and modify the settings.
Configuring CMC Using Advanced Setup
1. On the Network Settings panel, if you select Advanced Setup, the following message is displayed to confirm if want to configure
Configure CMC?
2. To configure CMC by using advanced setup properties, click the center button selecting the check icon.
Installing and Setting Up CMC