Users Guide

Configuring Network Share Using CMC Web
To configure or edit the Network Share location or credentials:
1. In the CMC web interface, in the system tree, go to Server Overview and then click Network Share.
The Edit Network Share page is displayed.
NOTE: When you have same folder for chassis, server, and boot identity profile, you may see performance issues if
there is more than 100 profiles.
2. In the Network Share Settings section, configure the following settings as required:
IP Address or Host Name
Share Name
Update folder
File Name (optional)
NOTE: Entering the File Name is optional only when the default catalog file name is catalog.xml. If the catalog
file name is changed, then the new name must be entered in this field.
Profile Folder
Domain Name
User Name
SMB Version
NOTE: The SMB Version option is available only if the Protocol type is CIFS.
NOTE: If you are using CIFS that is registered with a domain, and are accessing the CIFS using the IP with the CIFS
local user credentials, it is mandatory to enter the hostname or host IP in the Domain Name field.
For more information, see the CMC Online Help.
3. Click Test Directory to verify whether the directories are readable and writeable.
4. Click Test Network Connection to verify if the network share location is accessible.
When you apply an SMB version, the existing network share is unmounted and mounted again when click Test Network Connection
or navigate to other GUI pages.
5. Click Apply to apply the changes to the network share properties.
Click Back to return to the Server Component Update page.
Lifecycle Controller Job Operations
NOTE: To use this feature, you must have an Enterprise License.
You can perform Lifecycle Controller operations such as:
Delete Jobs
Only one type of operation can be performed at a time. Components and devices that are not supported may be listed as part of the
inventory, but do not permit Lifecycle Controller operations.
To perform the Lifecycle Controller operations, you must have:
For CMC: Server Administrator privilege.
For iDRAC: Configure iDRAC privilege and Log in to iDRAC privilege.
A Lifecycle Controller operation scheduled on a server may take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The process involves several server reboots
during which the firmware installation is performed, which also includes a firmware verification stage. You can view the progress of this
Updating Firmware