Users Guide

Viewing Stored Chassis Configuration Profiles
To view the chassis configuration profiles stored on the network share, go to the Chassis Configuration Profiles page. In the Chassis
Configuration Profiles > Stored Profiles section, select the profile and click View in the View Profile column. The View Settings
page is displayed. For more information on the displayed settings, see the CMC Online Help.
Applying Chassis Configuration Profiles
You can apply chassis configuration to the chassis if the chassis configuration profiles are available as stored profiles on the network share.
To initiate a chassis configuration operation, you can apply a stored profile to a chassis.
To apply a profile to a chassis, perform the following tasks:
1. Go to the Chassis Configuration Profiles page. In the Stored Profiles section, select the stored profile that you want to apply.
2. Click Apply Profile.
A warning message is displayed that applying a new profile overwrites the current settings and also reboots the selected chassis. You
are prompted to confirm if you want to continue the operation.
3. Click OK to apply the profile to the chassis.
Exporting Chassis Configuration Profiles
You can export chassis configuration profiles that are saved on the network share to a specified path on a management station.
To export a stored profile, perform the following tasks:
1. Go to the Chassis Configuration Profiles page. In the Chassis Configuration Profiles > Stored Profiles section, select the
required profile and then click Export Copy of Profile.
A File Download message is displayed prompting you to open or save the file.
2. Click Save or Open to export the profile to the required location.
Editing Chassis Configuration Profiles
You can edit chassis configuration profile name of a chassis.
To edit a chassis configuration profile name, perform the following tasks:
1. Go to the Chassis Configuration Profiles page. In the Chassis Configuration Profiles > Stored Profiles section, select the
required profile and then click Edit Profile.
The Edit Profile window is displayed.
2. Enter a desired profile name in the Profile Name field and click Edit Profile.
Operation Successful message is displayed.
3. Click OK.
Deleting Chassis Configuration Profiles
You can delete a chassis configuration profile that is stored on the network share.
To delete a chassis configuration profile, perform the following tasks:
1. Go to the Chassis Configuration Profiles page. In the Chassis Configuration Profiles > Stored Profiles section, select the
required profile and then click Delete Profile.
A warning message is displayed indicating that deleting a profile would delete the selected profile permanently.
2. Click OK to delete the selected profile.
Configuring Multiple CMCs Using RACADM
Using RACADM, you can configure one or more CMCs with identical properties.
When you query a specific CMC card using its group ID and object ID, RACADM creates the racadm.cfg configuration file from the
retrieved information. By exporting the file to one or more CMCs, you can configure your controllers with identical properties in a minimal
amount of time.
Configuring CMC