CLI Guide

Table 127. Details of setsysinfo (continued)
Input <string> — Indicates a maximum of 64 non-extended ASCII
chassis name or location.
-c — Sets the chassis name or location.
racadm setsysinfo -c chassisname "Dell Rack
The chassis name was set successfully.
SSH or Telnet RACADM
racadm getconfig -g <groupname> [-o <objectname>]
[-i <indexnumber>]
racadm <subcommand>
racadm getconfig -g idracinfo
racadm getsysinfo
Table 128. Details of sshpkauth
Description Enables you to upload and manage up to six (6) different SSH public keys. You can
upload a key file or key text, view keys, or delete keys.
racadm sshpkauth -i svcacct -k <key index> -p <privilege>
-t <PK key text>
racadm sshpkauth -i svcacct -k <key index> -p <privilege>
-f <PK key file>
racadm sshpkauth -v -i svcacct -k <key index>
racadm sshpkauth -d -i svcacct -k <key index>
For DSA keys greater than 2048, use the following racadm command. CMC accepts
RSA keys up to key strength 4096, but the recommended key strength is 1024.
racadm -r -u root -p calvin sshpkauth -i
svcacct -k 1 -p 0xfff -f
racadm sshpkauth
Input -i Index for the user. <svcacct> is the Index for CMC.
-k index from 1-6 (or all for -v / -d options) to assign the PK key being uploaded.
-p privilege level to give to user for this PK key.
110 RACADM Subcommand Details