CLI Guide

This group contains display parameters to provide information about the specifics of CMC being queried. One instance of the group is
Use this object with the getconfig subcommand.
To use this object, you must have CMC Login User privilege.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the idRACInfo group.
idRacProductInfo (Read Only)
Table 144. Details of idRacProductInfo
Description A text string that identifies the product.
Legal Values A string of up to 63 ASCII characters.
Default for iDRAC Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller.
Default for CMC Chassis Management Controller.
idRacVersionInfo (Read Only)
Table 145. Details of idRacVersionInfo
Description String containing the current product firmware version.
Legal Values A string of up to 63 ASCII characters.
Default The current version number.
idRacBuildInfo (Read Only)
Table 146. Details of idRacBuildInfo
Description String containing the current RAC firmware build version.
Legal Values A string of up to 16 ASCII characters.
Default for CMC The current CMC firmware build version.
idRacName (Read Only)
Table 147. Details of idRacName
Description A user-assigned name to identify this controller.
Legal Values A string of up to 15 ASCII characters.
Default for CMC CMC
122 CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions