CLI Guide

cfgServerDNSRegisterIMC (Read/Write)
Table 245. Details of cfgServerDNSRegisterIMC
Description Enables or disables DNS name registration for the Integrated
System (iDRAC).
Legal Values 1 (enable)
0 (disable)
Default None
cfgServerDNSIMCName (Read/Write)
Table 246. Details of cfgServerDNSIMCName
Description Displays the DNS domain name for the integrated Remote Access
Controller (iDRAC.)
Legal Values None
Default None
cfgServerRootPassword (Write Only)
Table 247. Details of cfgServerRootPassword
Description Displays the password for iDRAC as a series of asterisks (*). It cannot be seen or displayed after this
property is written.
Legal Values None
Default None
cfgServerFirstBootDevice (Read/Write)
Table 248. Details of cfgServerFirstBootDevice
Description Sets or displays the first boot device.
This object is read-write.
NOTE: For a vFlash Partition to be configured as First Boot Device, it has to be attached
first. When a detached or non-existent VFlash partition or a non-standard boot device is
configured as first boot device, the following error message is displayed:
Invalid object value
Legal Values 0–default
CMC Property Database Group and Object Descriptions 151