CLI Guide

Table 22. Details of get (continued)
racadm -r <cmc ip> -u <cmc username> -p <cmc password> get -f <filename>
racadm -r <cmc ip> -u <cmc username> -p <cmc password> get -f <filename> -t xml
racadm get -f <filename> -t xml -u <username> -p <password> -l <CIFS share>
racadm get -f <filename> -t xml -l <NFS share>
racadm get -f <filename> -t xml -u <username> -p <password> -l <CIFS share> -m
racadm get -f <filename> -t xml -l <NFS share> -m server-<n> [-d
racadm get -f <filename> -t xml -l extended -m server-<n> [-d
racadm get -m server-<n> -s
racadm get list serverprofiles -l extended
racadm get list serverprofiles -m server-<n> --assign
racadm get -f <profile_file_name> -u <network_share_username> -p
<network_share_passwd> -l <CIFS Share> --export -t xml
racadm get -f <profile_file_name> -l <NFS Share> --export -t xml
list—lists stored or assigned profiles.
--assign—specify if the profile requested is a server profile assigned to a blade.
--export—copy profiles from Extended storage to network share.
–f—save CMC or server configuration or CMC event filter configurations to a file.
-u—username of the remote share where the file must be exported.
-p—password for the remote share where the file must be exported.
-l—network share location where the file must be exported. For more information about NFS or CIFS share, see
the section, Usage examples.
extended—for saving server profile to extended storage.
-t—specify the file type to be exported. Valid value is “xml”. This option is case-sensitive.
-m—<module>, the possible values are:
server-<n>—where n = 1 to 16
all—for listing profiles assigned to all blades.
server-<nx>—where n = 1 to 8; x = a to d (lower case)
-s—check the status of the last successfully initiated server profile operation.
--clone—export the cloned configuration file. Only the XML file format is supported. The configuration file can
be exported to a local or remote share.
--replace—export the replaced configuration file. Only XML file format is supported. The configuration file
can be exported to a local or remote share.
--includeph—include password hash attributes
RACADM Subcommand Details 37