CLI Guide

Table 76. Details of license (continued)
Export the license to a CIFS share specifying the entitlement ID (for example, abcdxyz):
racadm license export -u admin -p passwd -f License.xml -l // -e abcdxyz
Export license to a CIFS share specifying the FQDD. While using the -c option and exporting
licenses from a device, more than one license file must be exported. Therefore, if a file name is
provided, an index is appended to the end of the file name such as LicenseFile0.xml,
LicenseFile1.xml, and so on. In this case, the device is an embedded CMC:
racadm license export -u root -p calvin -f LicenseFile.xml -l // -c cmc.integrated.1
Delete a license:
Delete licenses on a particular device. For example. Integrated CMC:
racadm license delete -c cmc.integrated.1
Delete license using an entitlement ID. For example, xYZabcdefg
racadm license delete -e xYZabcdefg
Delete license using a transaction ID. For example, 2.
racadm license delete -t 2
Replace a license.
Replace the license on a device with a license file that is on an NFS share, and using a transaction
ID. For example, transaction 27.
racadm license replace -f License.xml -l -
t 27
Replace license on a device with a license file that is on a CIFS share and using a transaction ID.
For example, transaction 27.
racadm license replace -u admin -p passwd -f License.xml -l // -t 27
Replace license on a device with a license file on the local file system.
racadm license replace -f License.xml -t 27
Table 77. Details of netstat
Description Displays the routing table and the current connections.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Execute Diagnostic
Commands privilege.
racadm netstat
racadm netstat
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt Iface UG
0 0 0 eth0
RACADM Subcommand Details