Users Guide

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NOTE: You may create an indexed group manually using the following command:
racadm config -g <groupname> -o <anchored object> -i <index 1-4> <unique anchor name>
The line for an indexed group cannot be deleted from a .cfg file. If you do delete the line with a text editor, RACADM stops when it
parses the configuration file and alert you of the error.
You must remove an indexed object manually using the following command:
racadm config -g <groupname> -o <objectname> -i <index 1-4> ""
NOTE: A NULL string (identified by two " characters) directs the CMC to delete the index for the specified group.
To view the contents of an indexed group, run the following command:
racadm getconfig -g <groupname> -i <index 1-4>
For indexed groups the object anchor must be the first object after the [ ] pair. The following are examples of the current indexed
cfgUserAdminUserName= <USER_NAME>
When using remote RACADM to capture the configuration groups into a file, if a key property within a group is not set, the
configuration group is not saved as part of the configuration file. If these configuration groups are needed to be cloned onto other
CMCs, the key property must be set before executing the getconfig -f command. Alternatively, you can manually enter the
missing properties into the configuration file after running the getconfig -fcommand. This is true for all the RACADM–indexed
This is the list of the indexed groups that exhibit this behavior and their corresponding key properties:
cfgUserAdmin — cfgUserAdminUserName
cfgEmailAlert — cfgEmailAlertAddress
cfgTraps — cfgTrapsAlertDestIPAddr
cfgStandardSchema — cfgSSADRoleGroupName
cfgServerInfo — cfgServerBmcMacAddress
Modifying the CMC IP Address
When you modify the CMC IP address in the configuration file, remove all unnecessary <variable> = <value> entries. Only the
actual variable group’s label with [ and ] remains, including the two <variable> = <value> entries pertaining to the IP address
# Object Group "cfgLanNetworking"
This file is updated as follows:
# Object Group "cfgLanNetworking"
# comment, the rest of this line is ignored
The command racadm config -f <myfile>.cfg parses the file and identifies any errors by line number. A correct file updates the
proper entries. Additionally, you can use the same getconfig command from the previous example to confirm the update.
Use this file to download company-wide changes or to configure new systems over the network with the command, racadm
getconfig -f <myfile>.cfg.
Configuring CMC