Quick Reference Guide

cfgIpmiLanEncryptionKey (Read/Write)
Description Specifies the IPMI encryption key.
Legal Values A string of hexadecimal digits from 0 to 40 characters with
no spaces. Only an even amount of digits is allowed.
Default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
cfgIpmiLanPetCommunityName (Read/Write)
Description Specifies the SNMP community name for traps.
Legal Values A string of up to 18 characters.
Default public
This group is applicable only for iDRAC and is used to configure IPv6 platform event traps on the managed server.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgIpmiPetIpv6
cfgIpmiPetIPv6Index (Read Only)
Description Unique identifier for the index corresponding to the trap.
Legal Values 1 – 4
Default <
index value
Description Configures the IPv6 alert destination IP address for the
Legal Values IPv6 address
Default <
cfgIpmiPetIPv6AlertEnable (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables the IPv6 alert destination for the trap.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
Default 0
This group is used to configure the platform event filters available on the managed server. It is applicable only for iDRAC.