Reference Guide

Table Of Contents
getsel -- display records from the System Event Log (SEL)
getsensorinfo -- display system sensors
getslotname -- gets the name of the slot in the chassis
getssninfo -- display session information
getsvctag -- display service tag information
getsysinfo -- display general CMC and system information
gettracelog -- display the CMC diagnostic trace log
getversion -- display version information for modules
getarraycfg -- display's storage array properties
ifconfig -- display network interface information
jobqueue -- Jobqueue of the jobs currently scheduled
krbkeytabupload -- upload an Kerberos Keytab to the CMC
netstat -- display routing table and network statistics
ping -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
ping6 -- send ICMP echo packets on the network
racdump -- display CMC diagnostic information
racreset -- perform a CMC or RAC reset operation
racresetcfg -- restore the CMC configuration to factory defaults
remoteimage -- connect, disconnect or deploy a media file on a remote server
serveraction -- perform system power management operations
set -- import saved CMC configuration from a file
setassettag -- set the asset tag for the specified module
setchassisname -- sets the name of the chassis
setflexaddr -- enable/disable the Flexaddress feature on a per fabric, per slot
setled -- set state of the LEDs on a module
setniccfg -- modify network configuration properties
setractime -- set the time on the CMC
setslotname -- sets the name of the slot in the chassis
setsysinfo -- set the chassis name and chassis location
setarraycfg -- configure's storage array properties
sshpkauth -- manage PK Authentication keys and accounts
sslcertdownload -- download an SSL certificate from the CMC
sslcertupload -- upload an SSL certificate to the CMC
sslcertview -- display a CA/server certificate in the CMC
sslcsrgen -- generate a certificate CSR from the CMC
sslresetcfg -- generate a new self-signed certificate
testemail -- test CMC e-mail notifications
testfeature -- test CMC feature x
testtrap -- test CMC SNMP trap notifications
traceroute -- determine the route of a packet
traceroute6 -- determine the route of a packet
wsman -- perform wsman client functions for servers.
Example for RACADM? <subcommand>
racadm ? getsysinfo
getsysinfo -- display general CMC and system information
racadm getsysinfo [-d] [-c] [-A] [-4] [-6]
Valid Options:
-d : show CMC information
-c : show chassis information
-A : do not show headers or labels
-4 : show CMC IPv4 information
-6 : show CMC IPv6 information
help and help subcommand
Table 2. help and help subcommand
Lists all the subcommands available for use with RACADM and provides a short description about each
subcommand. You may also type a subcommand, group, object or Fully Qualified Descriptor (FQDD) name
after help.
16 RACADM Subcommand Details