Reference Guide

racadm getsysinfo
racadm -r -u username -p xxx getsysinfo
racadm -r -u username -p xxx getconfig -g cfgchassispower
SSH or Telnet RACADM
racadm getconfig -g <groupname> [-o <objectname>][-i <indexnumber>]
racadm <subcommand>
racadm getconfig -g idracinfo
racadm getsysinfo
racadm -r <cmcIPAddr> -u <username> -p <password> <subcommand>
racadm -r -u root -p xxxx getsysinfo
Security Alert: Certificate is invalid - Certificate is not signed by Trusted Third Party
Continuing execution.
NOTE: The following command does not display a security error:
racadm -r -u noble -p xxx getsysinfo --nocertwarn
RACADM Command Options
The following table lists the options for the RACADM command:
Table 1. RACADM Command Options
Option Description
-r <cmcIpAddr>
Species the controller’s IP address.
-u <username>
Species the user name that is used to authenticate the command
transaction. If the-u option is used, the -p option must be used, and
the -i option (interactive) is not allowed.
-p <password>
Species the password used to authenticate the command
transaction. If the -p option is used, the -i option is not allowed.
Does not display certicate related warning message.
-i <indexnumber>
Species the index number for the indexed group, if applicable.
-g <groupname>
Species the group name if applicable.
-o <objectname>
Species the object name if applicable.
Supported RACADM Subcommands
The following table provides the list of RACADM subcommands and their corresponding interface support. For more information
about the RACADM subcommands including syntax and valid entries, see RACADM Subcommand Details.