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Configuring SNMP Trap Alert Destinations
Configuring Email Alert Settings
Configuring SNMP Trap Alert Destinations
You can configure the IPv6 or IPv4 addresses to receive the SNMP traps.
Configuring SNMP Trap Alert Destinations Using CMC Web Interface
To configure IPv4 or IPv6 alert destination settings using CMC Web interface:
1. In the system tree, go to Chassis Overview, and then click Alerts Trap Settings.
The Chassis Event Alert Destinations page is displayed.
2. Enter the following:
In the Destination field, enter a valid IP address. Use the quad-dot IPv4 format, standard IPv6 address notation, or FQDN.
For example: or 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334 or .
Choose a format that is consistent with the networking technology or infrastructure. The Test Trap functionality cannot
detect incorrect choices based on the current network configuration (example, use of an IPv6 destination in an IPv4-only
In the Community String field, enter a valid community string to which the destination management station belongs.
This community string differs from the community string on the Chassis Network Services page. The SNMP traps
community string is the community that CMC uses for outbound traps destined to management stations. The community
string on the
Chassis Network Services page is the community string that management stations use to query the
SNMP daemon on CMC.
NOTE: CMC uses a default SNMP community string as public. To ensure higher security, it is recommended to
change the default community string and set a value which is not blank.
Under Enabled, select the check box corresponding to the destination IP to enable the IP address to receive the traps. You
can specify up to four IP addresses.
3. Click Apply to save the settings.
4. To test whether the IP address is receiving the SNMP traps, click Send in the Test SNMP Trap column.
The IP alert destinations are configured.
Configuring SNMP Trap Alert Destinations Using RACADM
To configure IP alert destination using RACADM:
1. Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC and log in.
NOTE: Only one filter mask may be set for both SNMP and email alerting. You can skip step 2 if you have already
selected the filter mask.
2. Enable alert generation:
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o cfgAlertingEnable 1
3. Specify the events for which alerts must be generated:
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o cfgAlertingFilterMask <mask value>
where <mask value> is a hex value between 0x0 and 0xffffffff.
To obtain the mask value, use a scientific calculator in hex mode and add the second values of the individual masks (1, 2, 4, and
so on) using the <OR> key.
For example, to enable trap alerts for Battery Probe Warning (0x2), Power Supply Failure (0x1000), and KVM failure
(0x80000), key 2 <OR> 1000 <OR> 80000 and press the <=> key.
The resulting hex value is 81002, and the mask value for the RACADM command is 0x81002.