Users Guide

racadm config -g cfgKVMInfo -o cfgKVMAccesToCMCEnable 1
The rear panel access does not work. Why?
The front panel setting is enabled by CMC, and a monitor is currently connected to the front panel.
Only one connection is allowed at a time. The front panel connection has precedence over ACI and the rear panel. For more
information about connection precedence, see iKVM Connection Precedences.
The message "User has been disabled as another appliance is currently tiered" appears on the monitor connected to the rear
panel. Why?
A network cable is connected to the iKVM ACI port connector and to a secondary KVM appliance.
Only one connection is allowed at a time. The ACI tiering connection has precedence over the rear panel monitor connection. The
precedence order is front panel, ACI, and then rear panel.
The iKVM’s amber LED is blinking. Why?
There are three possible causes:
There is problem with the iKVM, for which the iKVM requires reprogramming. To fix the problem, follow the instructions for
updating iKVM firmware.
The iKVM is reprogramming the CMC Console Interface. In this case, the CMC Console is temporarily unavailable and
represented by a yellow dot in the OSCAR interface. This process takes up to 15 minutes.
The iKVM firmware has detected a hardware error. For additional information, view the iKVM status.
The iKVM is tiered through the ACI port to an external KVM switch, but all of the entries for the ACI connections are
All of the states are showing a yellow dot in the OSCAR interface.
The front panel connection is enabled and has a monitor connected. Because the front panel has precedence over all other iKVM
connections, the ACI and rear panel connectors are disabled.
To enable your ACI port connection, you must first disable front panel access or remove the monitor connected to the front panel.
The external KVM switch OSCAR entries become active and accessible.
To disable the front panel using the Web interface, go to iKVM Setup tab, clear the Front Panel USB/Video Enabled option,
and click Apply.
To disable the front panel using RACADM, open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC, log in, and type:
racadm config -g cfgKVMInfo -o cfgKVMFrontPanelEnable 0
In the OSCAR menu, the Dell CMC connection displays a red X, and it is not possible to connect to CMC. Why?
There are two possible causes:
The Dell CMC console has been disabled. In this case, enable it using either the CMC Web interface or RACADM.
CMC is unavailable because it is initializing, switching over to the standby CMC, or reprogramming. In this case, simply wait
until CMC finishes initializing.
The slot name for a server is displayed as "Initializing" in OSCAR, and it cannot be selected it. Why?
Either the server is initializing or the iDRAC on that server failed initialization.
Initially, wait for 60 seconds. If the server is still initializing, the slot name appears as soon as initialization is complete, and the server
can be selected.
If, after 60 seconds, OSCAR still indicates that the slot is initializing, remove and then re-insert the server in the chassis. This action
allows iDRAC to reinitialize.
After a configuration change, sometimes CMC displays the IP address as
Click the Refresh icon to see if the IP address is set correctly on the switch. If an error is made in setting the IP,mask, or /gateway,
the switch does not set the IP address and returns a in all fields.
Common errors are:
Setting the out-of-band IP address to be the same as, or on the same network as, the in-band management IP address.