Users Guide

Viewing Chassis Information and Monitoring
Chassis and Component Health
You can view information and monitor the health for the following:
Active and standby CMCs
All severs and individual servers
Storage arrays
All IO Modules (IOMs) and individual IOMs
Power supplies (PSUs)
Temperature sensors
LCD assembly
Viewing Chassis Component Summaries
When you log in to the CMC Web interface, the Chassis Health page allows you to view the health of the chassis and its
components. It displays a live graphical view of the chassis and its components. It is dynamically updated, and the component
subgraphic overlays and text hints are automatically changed to reflect the current state.
Figure 2. Example of Chassis Graphics in the Web Interface
To view the chassis health, go to Chassis OverviewPropertiesHealth. It displays the overall health status for the chassis,
active and standby CMCs, sever modules, IO Modules (IOMs), fans, iKVM, power supplies (PSUs), temperature sensors, and LCD
assembly. Detailed information for each component is displayed when you click on that component. In addition, the latest events in
the CMC Hardware Log are also displayed. For more information, see the CMC Online Help.
If your chassis is configured as a Group Lead, the Group Health page is displayed after login. It displays the chassis level information
and alerts. All active critical and non-critical alerts are displayed.
Chassis Graphics
The chassis is represented by front and back views (the upper and lower images, respectively). Servers and the LCD are shown in
the front view and the remaining components are shown in the back view. Component selection is indicated by a blue cast and is