Users Guide

Privilege Description
It is possible for a user to have other privileges without the CMC Login User privilege. This feature is useful
when a user is temporarily not allowed to log in. When that user’s CMC Login User privilege is restored, the
user retains all the other privileges previously granted.
Chassis Conguration
User can add or change data that:
Identies the chassis, such as chassis name and chassis location.
Is assigned specically to the chassis, such as IP mode (static or DHCP), static IP address, static gateway,
and static subnet mask.
Provides services to the chassis, such as date and time, rmware update, and CMC reset.
Is associated with the chassis, such as slot name and slot priority. Although these properties apply to the
servers, they are strictly chassis properties relating to the slots rather than the servers themselves. For
this reason, slot names and slot priorities can be added or changed whether or not servers are present in
the slots.
When a server is moved to a dierent chassis, it inherits the slot name and priority assigned to the slot it
occupies in the new chassis. Its previous slot name and priority remain with the previous chassis.
NOTE: CMC users with the Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege can congure power
settings. However, the Chassis Control Administrator privilege is needed to perform chassis power
operations, including power on, power o, and power cycle.
User Conguration
User can:
Add a new user.
Change a user's password.
Change a user's privileges.
Enable or disable a user's login privilege but retain the user's name and other privileges in the database.
Clear Logs Administrator User can clear the hardware log and CMC log.
Chassis Control
Administrator (Power
CMC users with the Chassis Power Administrator privilege can perform all power-related operations. They
can control chassis power operations, including power on, power o, and power cycle.
NOTE: To congure power settings, the Chassis Conguration Administrator privilege is
Server Administrator This is a blanket privilege, granting a CMC user all rights to perform any operation on any servers present in
the chassis.
When a user with Server Administrator privilege issues an action to be performed on a server, the CMC
rmware sends the command to the targeted server without checking the user's privileges on the server. In
other words, the Server Administrator privilege overrides any lack of administrator privileges on the server.
Without the Server Administrator privilege, a user created on the chassis can only execute a command on a
server when all of the following conditions are true:
The same user name exists on the server.
The same user name must have the same password on the server.
The user must have the privilege to execute the command.
When a CMC user who does not have Server Administrator privilege issues an action to be performed on a
server, CMC sends a command to the targeted server with the user’s login name and password. If the user
does not exist on the server, or if the password does not match, the user is denied the ability to perform the
If the user exists on the target server and the password matches, the server responds with the privileges of
which the user was granted on the server. Based on the privileges responding from the server, CMC rmware
decides if the user has the right to perform the action.
138 Conguración de cuentas de usuario y privilegios