Users Guide

Jobs | 113
This section describes the features you can select on the Jobs screen.
Job List
Displays the active, pending and completed jobs. You can operate the following on the
job list.
You can scroll the feature list up and down.
Checking active/pending jobs
Lists active and pending jobs. Selecting a row opens its associated job details.
Checking completed jobs
Displays the status of completed jobs. Selecting a row opens its associated job details.
Deleting a Job
Cancels the current or pending job. Select a table row or status indicator that you want to
delete. Then select the Delete button.
Checking stored jobs
Displays the Secure Jobs. Also prints and deletes jobs stored using the Sample Set
Secure Jobs
Prints confidential jobs. The printer can hold the job in memory until you arrive at the
printer and type the passcode on the operator panel.
Secure Fax Receive
Tap the Secure Jobs, displays Secure Fax folder. The printer can hold the job in memory
until you arrive at the printer and type the passcode on the operator panel.
For details, see "Using Secure Fax Receive".
When there is at least one Secure Fax, the Secure Fax folder always appears at the top of the
Secure Jobs list.