Users Guide

186 | Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool
When transferring any members registered on the machine to the new role, select the
members in the Add Members screen and click Done.
Set the subsequent settings as in creating a new role.
Printing User Roles
Adding new roles
You can add new roles by selecting . Selecting displays Add New Role and
Add New Role from Existing.
To create a new role, select Add New Role. For details, see "Add Role".
To use the settings of an existing role as a base to create a new role, select Add New
Role from Existing. For details, see "Add New Role from Existing".
Checking and editing existing roles
The existing user roles are displayed under Printing User Roles.
To change the settings of a role, click Edit.
To check, add, or delete the role members, click Members.
The number of the role members is displayed after Members.
•Basic Printing User is automatically assigned to a user with no role assigned.
Edit Role
In the Edit Role screen, you can set the role settings. For details on the settings,
see "Add Role".
The role members registered on the machine are displayed under Members.
To add a new member to the role, click .
To change the settings of a member, click the user name and make the settings in
the user details screen. For details, see "Editing User Accounts from the Dell Printer
Configuration Web Tool".
Add Role
Role Name
Enter the role name.
You can enter the description of the role.
Printing Permissions
Unlimited Printing Users can print documents without restrictions.
Weekdays, 8 AM to 5 PM Users can print documents on Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Users can print 1-sided and in color.
Eco-Friendly Users can only print 2-sided and in black-and-white.
Unlimited Black & White
Printing, No Color
Users can only print in black-and-white without restrictions.
When color printing is not allowed, a print job instructed as color
printing is automatically output in black-and -white.