Users Guide

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To edit an existing MSPS
1 Select the server name to edit from the Server Name field and click on the Edit Server
Icon .
2 Edit the fields and click on the Update button to save the changes.
To delete an existing MSPS
1 Select the server name to delete from the Server Name field and click on the Delete
Server Icon .
2 Select Yes button from the confirmation dialog to delete the server.
Print Settings
Available Print Settings
Setting the Print feature options
1 From Admin page J Print Settings tab.
2 Select options from two sided printing and output color.
3 Enter number of the copies and click on Save button.
4 Select Reset to revert back all Print Settings options to its default values.
Option Description
Display Print Options Sets whether or not to show Print Options to Normal User otherwise default
print parameters set in this page is considered for printing.
Two-Sided Printing Sets whether to print on both sides of a sheet of paper.
Output Color Sets whether to print in color or in black and white.
Print Quantity Sets the number of copies required for a specific job.