Administrator Guide

Requirement Description
Candidate Storage Center
The Storage Center must have a server object that matches the server to which the original
volume is mapped.
The Storage Center must be less than 80% full when including the size of the volume to be
The combined original volume IO/sec and Storage Center front end IO/sec must be below a
predefined threshold.
Types of Volume Movement Recommendations
There are two types of recommendations: those that are triggered by volume latency threshold definitions, and those that are not. Both
recommend moving one or more volumes to a different Storage Center, but volume latency recommendations provide more detail and
include an option to automatically act on the recommendation.
Both types of recommendations can be viewed from the current threshold alerts that contain them. On the Alerts tab of the Threshold
Alerts view, current threshold alerts that contain recommendations display Yes in the Recommend column.
To view the recommendation contained by a current threshold alert, right-click the alert and select Recommend Storage Center to
open the Recommend Storage Center dialog box.
Recommendations Based on Volume Latency
If the recommendation was triggered by a threshold definition that monitors volume latency, the Recommend Storage Center dialog
box displays a recommendation to move a specific volume to a specific Storage Center.
Figure 70. Recommended Storage Center Dialog Box
If Storage Manager identified a possible reason for the increased volume latency, the reason is displayed in the Recommend Reason
field. Once the Recommend Reason is calculated, it is not updated for a 24-hour period. If you view the recommendation after 24 hours
have elapsed, the reason is recalculated. If Storage Manager is unable to determine a reason, no reason is provided.
The following reasons can be displayed:
CPU- Indicates that CPU usage for the controller that hosts the volume is high.
IO Count: Indicates that IO for the Storage Center that hosts the volume is high.
Disk Latency: The disks that provide storage for the volume are experiencing high latency.
Tier 1 Space: Tier 1 storage space is full or nearly full for the Storage Center that hosts the volume.
The Convert to a Live Volume to move to recommended Storage Center or Live Migrate the volume to the recommended
Storage Center link opens a dialog box that allows you to move the volume automatically to the recommended Storage Center by
converting it to a Live Volume or creating a Live Migration.
Recommendations Based on Other Thresholds
If the recommendation was triggered by a threshold definition that monitors Storage Center front-end IO, Storage Center controller CPU
usage, or the percentage of storage used for a Storage Center, the Recommend Storage Center dialog box displays a recommended
Storage Center without suggesting specific volumes to move or populating the Recommended Reason field.
Threshold Alerts