Compatibility Matrix

FluidFS Replication
Note the following information regarding FluidFS replication:
Replication can be performed from FluidFS v4.x to FluidFS v5.x. As a best practice, replication between
systems running different major versions should be performed only for short-term update scenarios
and is not recommended as a normal operating state.
Replication partners can differ in network interface speeds (1GB or 10GB) or in memory size (24 GB or
48 GB).
The FluidFS version determines the way replication is performed, specifically the TCP ports that are
used to communicate between the replication partners. See Table 15. FluidFS Replication TCP Ports
by Source System FluidFS Version for the TCP ports used by each replication protocol level.
Table 14. Supported FluidFS Replication Features lists replication-compatible systems, assuming they
satisfy all other conditions
Table 14. Supported FluidFS Replication Features
Attribute Support
Maximum number of replication partners 100
Maximum number of replicated NAS volumes 1024
Maximum number of concurrent replications (rest are
10 outgoing and 100 incoming
Maximum replication schedules (as source) 1024
Maximum number of replication bandwidth limiter policies 1023
Single NAS volume to single NAS volume Yes
Single NAS volume to multiple NAS volumes No
Cascading replication of a NAS volume No
FluidFS replication requires that the target-system TCP ports listed in Table 15. FluidFS Replication TCP
Ports by Source System FluidFS Version be accessible, through the firewall, from the source system.
NOTE: For FluidFS v5.x systems replicating to FluidFS v5.x systems, only one TCP port (10560 or
3260) needs to be opened in the firewall for all replication functions.
Table 15. FluidFS Replication TCP Ports by Source System FluidFS Version lists the supported FluidFS
replication TCP ports.
FluidFS Replication