Compatibility Matrix

Functionality Supported Range
Maximum number of exclude paths for an NDMP
NOTE: Your environment should allow ICMP (ping) traffic between the FluidFS controllers’ private IP
addresses (not the access VIPs) and the backup server.
Table 23. Supported NDMP Environment Variables describes the NDMP environmental variables that are
supported by FluidFS. Refer to the Data Management Application (DMA) documentation for a listing of the
variables supported by DMA. If DMA does not set any of the variables, the NDMP server operates with the
default value.
Table 23. Supported NDMP Environment Variables
Variable Name Description Default
TYPE Specifies the type of backup/restore application. Valid values
are dump and tar, and are case sensitive.
dump – NDMP server generates inode-based file history.
tar – NDMP server generates file-based file history.
FILESYSTEM Specifies the path to be used for backup. The path must be a
LEVEL Specifies the dump level for the backup operation. Valid
values are 0 to 9.
HIST Specifies how file history is to be generated. The supported
values are d, f, y, and n.
d specifies that node/dir format file history will be generated.
f specifies that file-based file history will be generated.
y specifies that the default file history type (which is the
node/dir format) will be generated.
n specifies that no file history will be generated.
DIRECT Specifies whether the restore is a Direct Access Retrieval.
Valid values are Y and N.
UPDATE Specifies whether the dump level and dump time for a
backup operation should be updated on the NDMP server so
that subsequent backups can reference the dump level from
previous backups. Valid values Y and N.
EXCLUDE Specifies a pattern for file or directory names that are not to
be backed up. The pattern is a comma-separated list of file or
directory names, up to 32. Each name will be used to match
to nodes encountered during backup. A name can contain an
asterisk (*)as the wildcard character. The comma (,) or
No default
Backup and Restore – NDMP