Compatibility Matrix

Variable Name Description Default
backslash (\ )characters in a name should be escaped with a
RECURSIVE Specifies whether the restore should be recursive or not.
Valid values are Y and N. If this variable is set to N, only the
files that are the immediate children of the restore target are
RESTORE_OVERWRITE Specifies whether the restore operation should overwrite
existing files with the backup data. Valid values are Y and N.
LISTED_INCREMENTAL Controls behavior similar to the listed incremental
option of the tar application. This variable specifies whether
an additional directory listing is added to the backup stream
during incremental backup so that the recovery operation
can handle files and directories deleted between the
incremental backups.
During backup, if this variable is set, an additional directory
listing is added to the backup data stream. Because of the
additional process required, this addition could affect the
backup data stream size and performance.
During recovery, if this variable is set and if the backup data
stream was generated with this variable turned on, the NDMP
server handles deleting files and directories that are deleted
between incremental backups.
Setting this variable requires additional processing time and
enlarges the backup data stream size (how much it changes
depends on the number of elements in the backup data set).
If this feature is not important to the end user, it should not
be set.
BASE_DATE Used by TSM for token-based backup, as an alternative to
using the LEVEL environment variable.
When BASE_DATE is set to 00, a full backup is performed.
After a full backup completes, a token can be retrieved by
retrieving the DUMP_DATE environment variable. This token
can then be passed in later backups as the value of
BASE_DATE. The backup performed in this case is an
incremental backup relative to the time when the token was
When BASE_DATE is set to -1, token-based backup is
DEREF_HARD_LINK Controls whether hard link files data content are backed up
for all instances of the same file. Valid values are Y and N.
Backup and Restore – NDMP