Compatibility Matrix

This section provides information about supported Unicode characters and potential compatibility issues.
NAS Access
FluidFS v5.x supports the Unicode /UTF-8 encoding, allowing concurrent access from any UTF-8
compatible client. All NAS interfaces expect UTF-8 characters for file, folder/directory, share, and other
Consequently, all names are internally maintained and managed in UTF-8 format. While individual file and
directory names are each limited to 255 bytes, the number of characters might be further limited, due to
the variable-width nature of the UTF-8 encoding.
Management Access
Management data items, such as volume names, share names, directory names, user names, description
fields, and so on, are all maintained in UTF-8 format.
For CLI access, UTF-8 terminal applications, such as XTERM, should be used. Terminal applications that
do not support UTF-8 characters, such as KTERM, are not recommended.