Compatibility Matrix

FluidFS version 5.0.400014 supports FS8600 systems.
Table 1. Glossary of Terms defines the terms used in this document.
Table 1. Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
FluidFS (FluidFS firmware) A special-purpose, Dell-proprietary operating system providing
enterprise-class NAS services using SAN storage systems
FluidFS controller A Dell hardware device capable of running the FluidFS firmware
NAS (FluidFS) appliance A Dell hardware product containing two FluidFS controllers in a single
FluidFS system / cluster Multiple FluidFS controllers appropriately connected and configured
together into a single functional unit
NAS pool The Storage Center system LUNs (and their aggregate size) allocated
and provisioned to a FluidFS system
NAS volume File system (single-rooted directory/folder and file hierarchy), defined
using FluidFS management functions over a portion of the NAS pool
SMB share A file system sub-hierarchy available to SMB clients via the SMB
NFS export A file system sub-hierarchy available to NFS clients via the NFS protocol