Reference Guide

Add an ACL for all clients accessing a read-write NFS export named export1 on a NAS volume named vol2
with a trust type of EveryoneExceptRoot:
CLI> NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-all-clients vol2 export1
EveryoneExceptRoot Yes
NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-clients-in-
Add an ACL (access control list) for all clients in a netgroup accessing an NFS export.
NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-clients-in-netgroup <VolumeName>
<ExportName> <Netgroup> <TrustUsers> <ReadWrite>
Argument Description Format
<VolumeName> NAS volume name Existing NAS volume name
<ExportName> NFS export name Existing NFS export name
<Netgroup> Client’s netgroup to which this
NFS export should be available
Netgroup name
<TrustUsers> Type of users to which this NFS
export should be available
Possible values are Nobody,
Everyone, EveryoneExceptRoot
<ReadWrite> Indicate whether the NFS export
is readwrite
Possible values are Yes, No
Add an ACL for all clients in a netgroup /24 accessing a read-write NFS export named export1
on a NAS volume named vol2 with a trust type of Everyone:
CLI> NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-clients-in-netgroup vol2 export1 /24 Everyone Yes
NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-clients-in-subnet
Add an ACL (access control list) for all clients in a subnet accessing an NFS export.
NAS-volumes NFS-exports add-acl for-clients-in-subnet <VolumeName> <ExportName>
<ClientsNetworkID> <ClientNetworkPrefixLen> <TrustUsers> <ReadWrite>
CLI Commands