Reference Guide

Argument Description Format
<ShareName> SMB share name Existing SMB share name
Display the current settings for an SMB share named share:
CLI> NAS-volumes SMB-shares view share
Volume Name = vol2
Share Name = jshare1
Path = /folder1
Comment =
Antivirus = No
Enable Antivirus Extensions Filters = No
AvExtensions =
Enable Antivirus Exclude Dirs Filters = No
AvExcludeDirs =
Antivirus Max File Size For Scanning = 1.46 GB
Antivirus Deny Access Large Unscanned Files = Yes
Access Based Enumeration = No
Require Message Encryption = No
Share Level Permissions
Deny creation of files with these extensions =
Enable excluding groups from file extension filter = No
Allow creation of any file to = .--------------.-------------.
|Group Domain | Group Name |
| | |
Enable automatic home folder creation = Yes
Contionuous availability for file handles = No
NAS-volumes snapshots add
Add a snapshot for a NAS volume.
NAS-volumes snapshots add <VolumeName> <Name>
Argument Description Format
<VolumeName> NAS volume name Existing NAS volume name
<Name> Snapshot name Maximum length of 230
characters, and can contain
letters, numbers, spaces, and
underscores. Control characters,
CLI Commands