Reference Guide

| Diagnostics Name | Status| Last | File name of main Diagnostics| File name of Logs Diagnostics|
| General | Idle | 29-O | Summary.3859981732.29_10_20 | Logs.3859981732.29_10_2014- |
| | | 12:46 | 14-12_46_39.tar.gz | 12_46_39.tar.gz |
| File system core | Idle | 25-Nov-14 | Summary.3690686228.25_11_ | Logs.3690686228.25_11_2014- |
| General | | 14:14:20 | 14-14_14_20.tar.gz | 14_14_20.tar.gz |
| Network | Idle | | | |
| Performance | Idle | | | |
|Client connectivity |Idle | | | |
|File accessibility | Idle | | | |
| SMB and NFS | Idle | | | |
system internal diagnostics run-client-connectivity-
Run the client connectivity diagnostic for an SMB or NFS client.
In case of a client connectivity problem, ask the client to try connecting after the diagnostic is run. The
diagnostic files should be downloaded by FTP from the following directory:
NOTE: FTP is enabled by default on the FluidFS cluster. However, if FTP has been disabled, see
system internal security FTP configuration enable to re-enable FTP before using this command.
system internal diagnostics run-client-connectivity-diagnostic <ClientIP>
Argument Description Format
<ClientIP> IP address of the client Existing client IP address in IPv6
or IPv4 format
<Protocol> Client protocol Possible values are SMB, NFS
Type of repository on which to
run diagnostics
RepositoryType can be
NAS_VOLUME or FTP. If it is
NAS_VOLUME, then the values of
RepositoryVolume and
RepositoryPath determine where
the files will be stored. The files
can then be accessed by a share
or export to the volume.
Volume on the repository on
which to run diagnostics
CLI Commands