Reference Guide

Option Description Format
--CSV Displays the command output in
a comma-delimited format with
a header
Append --CSV to the command
--Severity <Severity> Filter according to the severity of
the events
--Period <Period> Filter according to the period of
the events
Enter this option to get
occurrences of consolidated
Filter according to headline sub
Display a current list of the security events:
CLI> events auditing list
| Consolidated| Event ID | Event First| Event Last|Severity| Headline |
| Event ID | | Occurrence | Occurrence| | |
| 5188 | 117000001| 08-Dec-14 | 08-Dec-14 | Info | Successful Write |
| | | 12:05:06 | 12:05:06 | | by CPLSUP3\ |
| | | | | | Administrator on |
| | | | | | jvoli/secret.txt |
| 5189 | 117000004| 08-Dec-14 | 08-Dec-14 | Info | Successful Read |
| | | 12:35:41 | 12:35:41 | | Attributes by |
| | | | | | CPLSUP3\ |
| | | | | | Administrator on |
| | | | | | jvoli/secret.txt |
| 5184 | 117000004| 08-Dec-14 | 08-Dec-14 | Info | Successful Read |
| | | 12:35:41 | 12:35:41 | | by CPLSUP3\ |
| | | | | | Administrator on |
| | | | | | jvoli/secret.txt |
CLI Commands